
Mouse over the images
to discover more about
the people leading the open source community.

Cynthia Sanchez

Cynthia Sanchez

Open source advocate, mentor, and UX/ UI enthusiast. Loves video games, playing with new tech, and her dog.

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Sorin Curescu

Sorin Curescu

A full-stack developer with UX/UI in mind and heart, In love tech and code.

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UX Developer
Kartikay Bhutani

Kartikay Bhutani

Developer by profession, Designer by passion. Love building tech to solve problems, watching Office and clashing.

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Aditya Sharma

Aditya Sharma

Mentor, social media influencer, and keen to explore all corners of software development.

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Full Stack Developer

The creators and maintainers of the eos-icons npm package.

Zvezdana MarjanovićGraphic Designer
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  • behance
Manuele CarliniDesigner
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Richa BhistFront end Developer
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Jesus HermanSEO strategist & FE developer
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The amazing people that contributed to the wide array of projects. Thanks for making it happen.

Kateryna MarchakMarketing
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Carla MoratilloDesigner
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Saurabh SharmaDesigner
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Abhinandan SharmaBlockchain Developer
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Shashank JarialFE Developer
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Devesh VijaywargiyaFE Developer
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Rishabh KohaleFE Developer
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Harshita ManglaFE Developer
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Abhirup PalFE Developer
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Fawzi E. AbdulfattahFull stack Developer
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Sundeep ChandFull stack Developer
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Vinayak SharmaJS Developer
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